What is Valentine’s Day for you?

What is Valentine’s Day for you?

We all have different perceptions and interpretations about how our world is for us. Valentine’s Day is no exception.

I can remember back on Valentine’s Day in 1987. I was dating a woman at the time and did not want to continue the relationship (keep in mind this was before I had done any work on myself and I was a very immature 26 at the time).

Valentine’s Day meant nothing to me, so I decided to take my girlfriend at the time out to a nice restaurant and break up with her in the middle of dinner. My bad!!! I mean really dude, are you clueless? I won’t go into the ugly details. Suffice it to say that I had no idea at the time how to be compassionate and be in another person’s world.

I learned a valuable lesson in insensitivity that night! The world does not revolve around me!

Ok, my ears are burning!!! I got it and I get it! I was the Valentine’s Day Grinch in 1987!

Since then through all my personal growth and experiences, I have gotten feedback that I am a very sensitive, caring, and compassionate man. And I’ve had some great Valentine’s Days!

What are you doing Valentine’s Day?

If you are dating or going on a date, what does Valentine’s Day mean to you and them?

How can you make this the most extraordinary Valentine’s Day ever for yourself and others regardless of your personal view?

Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to be of service to others.

And now I am in service to you. I’d like to hear from you……about anything this email brought up with you in your world…….


It is important to find out what is important in your lovers or potential lovers world and practice generosity, compassion, and acceptance.

Every day is a day to give and love yourself and others and let go of your limited views.

Whether Valentine’s Day is a special day for you or not it is a day like everyday to continue to extend Love and communicate that authentically to all the precious people in your lives.

Spend some time hanging out and being present this Valentine’s Day with yourself practicing gratitude and take a stand for sharing your light with others in whatever you do or whomever you are with, just because you can.

You make all the difference in the world!

Shine on you Crazy Diamond!

Light and Love,

Dr. Rusty

P.S. Happy Valentine’s Day! I Love you!



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