Are you lonely?

Are you lonely?

I sure was!

Here’s a simple mind set shift that will speed up the attraction process: Act out of inspiration vs. desperation!

James Arthur Ray taught me that a number of years ago and boy is he spot on!

Back in 2009 I was convinced that living in Philadelphia was the cause of my problems especially when it came to living an alternative relationship lifestyle.

So I moved to Portland, Oregon in 2010……out of desperation and loneliness……only to find out that wherever you go there you are (Ram Dass)!

Needless to say Portland, OR was a huge and expensive (100k) lesson in humility. I was back in Philadelphia 2 ½ months later severely depressed and heartbroken with my tail between my legs!

If you are lonely you can only operate from desperation since loneliness is a dysfunctional emotion like fear, shame, and guilt! There is a major distinction between being lonely and being alone. Being alone is healthy at times, loneliness is not!

And, if you are attracting someone out of lack (desperation and loneliness), then that is what you will attract back to you (yucky, been there, done that)!

When you act out of inspiration the universe supports you and rewards you with other like minded human beings and lovers!

Like attracts like! You may think you are tricking others or, even yourself…….but it’s impossible to trick or alter the laws of the universe!

Inspiration is exciting, heart opening, pulse pounding, moving, and being on purpose and in the glory of who you are!

Loneliness cannot exist in that state of being! And neither can lack or desperation!

What inspires you?

What makes your soul sing?

Who do you have to be to attract the most fulfilling relationship(s)?


I urge you to hit reply and let me know how I can help you answer these questions and have 2015 be your most inspirational year ever!

This is the quickest way to relationship transformation!

I look forward to your responses!

Light & Love,

Dr. Rusty

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