Are you looking for Love in the best places?
This is a loaded question. So let’s break it down into 2 parts, venues and experiencing consistent Love inside your own self first.
It’s been cold and snowy today and I still got my ass to the gym, stuck with my juicing regimen, cut out my extracurricular unhealthy pity party habits, stopping being a workaholic, and putting others before me!
No more excuses! I come first! Ever since my breakup with my last girlfriend I have neglected to put myself first and take responsibility for my health and fitness. The result….overweight, not able to do the things I Love, and major health issues with my digestion and autoimmune functioning. I’m embarrassed to admit that this has been going on for wayyyyy too long! Over 2 years with a month of self care in-between.
And here’s the fucked up part; I used to be health and fitness fanatic and with what I would put in my body and working out.
Without self-love and care there was no way I was going to attract a primary relationship that fires me up. I was just going to keep attracting who is mirroring me. Yuck!
I am happy to say my health is bouncing back and Love is heading my way!
So self-Love and the physical are the first things to embody if you want somebody who takes care of themselves and somebody who is capable of Loving you. In Christianity the body is referred to as the Temple, and in Buddhism, the Precious. Hello!!! (LOL to myself! Duh!)
The other part that’s important is showing up in the right venues. There are a, b, and c venues. The “a” venues are the best and where you participate in things you Love and makes your heart sing. For me an “a” venue would be a sweat lodge, Kirtan, ecstatic and improvisational dance, drumming circles, etc. The “b” venues are more neutral or “in-between places” that are not as good as an “a” but better than a “c” venue. Some of my “b” venues might be a Starbucks, Whole Foods, Fetlife munchies, etc. “C” venues are like are looking for a needle in a haystack! A “c” venue for me would be a bar/club, traditional online dating sites, etc.
You must spend the majority of your energy in “a” venues. Everybody’s venues are different depending on the places and activities you Love.
So, in summary Love is an inside job. Be Love. People will treat you like you treat yourself. And spend the majority of your time in “a” venues. “C” venues are places where people are more likely to be unhealthy, desperate, and inauthentic.
Where are you looking for Love, inside or outside yourself?
Are you placing yourself in venues where people are in alignment with what you Love or in places where people are more likely to be desperate and non-compatible?
This takes practice, discipline, commitment, consistent action, and a strategy folks! And, somebody to hold you accountable to stay on track. We are creatures of habit. Reprogramming and getting new results does not happen overnight!
Light & Love,
Dr. Rusty