Hey Everyone!
How long does it take to attract that special someone?
Over the years I have worked with thousands of people and hundreds of couples. One common thread that I have learned is that it is EASY to attract that special someone into your life. And, the same people have commented that it is HARD to attract that special someone who is compatible sexually, spiritually, emotionally, physically, etc. who is doing their own personal work. Most people were not happy with the results of who they attracted once they woke up from the chemically induced coma of infatuation, idealism, and their own denial!
Let me explain. We all want to be in that extraordinary relationship that dreams are made of. The real question is…..are you willing to be patient, become aware of and release negative patterns from your past, create your own vision statement, have a torrid love affair with yourself, and get crystal clear about your requirements and absolute non-negotiables in relationship?
If not you will be attracted to what many other programs promise out there as a quick and easy way to find your love. There are no shortcuts or quick fixes! This is about you not the other person if you want to attract that healthy partner you’ve always wanted. Your partner or potential partner will mirror exactly energetically where you are at. And, you may not like that! Believe me when I say in both my own life and the lives of my clients, humility will smack you on the side of your head and wake you up to who you are and who you have been being in your life! The way you do anything is the way you do everything!
Everybody can have it all if they are willing to do their work. And it WILL be HARD at times! A step by step plan breaks it down into simple to follow steps, but, anybody that tells you it is going to be easy is full of shit! I believe in setting people up to win and not sugarcoating anything! Anything worthwhile takes time and commitment. And, it doesn’t have to take forever. But it will require action, follow through, and doing things you don’t want to do to have what and who you say you want!
Are you looking for shortcuts? Are you lonely? Are you frustrated because much of the information out there about love, sex, and relationships does not work like they say?
YOU CAN have it all!
But you must be willing to be patient, become aware of and release negative patterns from your past, create your own vision statement, have a torrid love affair with yourself, and get crystal clear about your requirements and absolute non-negotiables in relationship?
Then you must be able to say NO (especially to sex) if your requirements are not met!!!
Your chemicals will say YES, your intuition will say NO.
This is one of the hardest things to do! And it’s very simple.
Follow the program or plan all the way through and that “perfect” or “special” person(s) will show up in your life when you least expect it! You will become a magnet for people to love you the way you love yourself!
It’s that simple!
Light & Love,
Dr. Rusty