Did you know that success in every area of your life is about relationships?
I certainly didn’t until 2010. I was struggling with my business, money and debt (bankruptcy), and relationships in general even though I was a psychotherapist and couples counselor. In fact I was so frustrated I moved to Portland, OR thinking my life would change there. Boy was I fucking wrong!!!
Wherever you go there you are!
I came back 2 ½ months later with my tail between my legs having to start all over from scratch.
I had failed miserably at establishing relationships to establish a new business, make money, asking for support, and hiring a business coach. In short, I was severely depressed and humbled! I knew I could not do it on my own and had to something completely different.
This led me to immerse myself with course after course in relationships and communication and hiring a coach even though I didn’t have the money to do so. I found a way and became unstoppable!
I learned to take 100 % responsibility in all my relationships and business outcomes. My life was transforming before my very eyes!
So if I want wealth, health, an inspirational business, the relationship(s) of my dreams, an RV, time freedom, traveling etc., I MUST be constantly developing stellar relationships with supportive people that are aligned with my growing edge.
So what does that mean? Suffice it to say that I have to be fully self expressed and communicate authentically, truly listen to others and get into their world, take risk and trust myself and others, and be willing to do whatever it takes even if I don’t want to!
In essence, walking my talk in everything I know works with relationships, romantic, friendships, colleagues, and everybody I meet and come in contact with. When I am Being this way and doing these things with an open heart my life SIZZLES in every area with abundance!
This requires me to let go of being single minded and be open to multiple outcomes in all my conversations. If I think I have to have this before I can do that I am in scarcity and limited thinking which results in limited outcomes and zero REAL change!
Are you being single minded? Are you thinking that once something (job, health, divorce, money issues, body issues, etc.) is handled THEN I will attract the relationship of my heart’s desire?
Everything comes down to relationships, EVERYTHING!
You can’t transform your life by using the same limiting belief systems or personal paradigm to attract something DIFFERENT!
It Will NEVER work! It’s inconsistent with the laws of the universe!
You know exactly why you have received this message today!
Light & Love,
Dr. Rusty